Achieve Your 2021 Apartment Resolutions

Ironhorse at TramontoMake 2021 the year that you achieve all of your apartment goals. Rather than trying to complete them all in the first month, set small, short-term goals throughout the year. From sprucing up your Phoenix apartment to saving meals on takeout to utilizing Iron Horse at Tramonto’s many amenities, here are five achievable apartment resolution ideas. 

No More Take Out

You may not be going out as much, but many of us quickly turn to take out for meals. It may be convenient, but it is also costly! Instead of ordering your meal, prepare weekly meals, and save $30 to $50 per week. 

Take Advantage of the Fitness Center at Ironhorse at Tramonto

Instead of renewing your gym membership, why not try out the fitness center, or swim laps in the pool. If you are like many of us, it is easier for us to hit the “Next Episode” button on Netflix, than to head to the gym, starting slow and sticking to a schedule is key to achieve your fitness goals this year!

Upgrade Your Furniture

Maybe you have been sitting on a hand-me-down sofa or one that you purchased for your previous home, this might be a good time to replace your furniture. Furniture retailers are looking to make room for new stock and often discount furniture in January and February.


A new year – a new start! Declutter your countertops, empty that junk jar, and remove or donate clothing that you no longer wear.

Deep Clean Your Apartment

The new year is a perfect time to do a deep clean of your apartment in Phoenix. Take it room by room and focus on those areas that you skip during your regular cleaning routine. 

Safely remove and clean the showerhead with a mixture of water and vinegar. Move furniture and vacuum or sweep those pesky dust bunnies. A new year is also a great time to wash your bed linens and maybe adding new pillows or a comforter. 

These 5 apartment resolutions are the perfect way to say good riddance to 2020 and welcome in 2021.


New Year’s Resolutions to Make With Your Family

resolutionsWe often make resolutions to better our lives, but it can be just as fun to make resolutions with others! One of the best ways to have a great year ahead is to make resolutions with your family. Need some idea? We have a few that the entire family will love.


Make a Family Bucket List

Why not make a bucket list the entire family can enjoy all year long? Spend an afternoon writing down a list that you can all come up with together. Whether it’s a trip to an amusement park or board game night, let the ideas flow! You can even write down fun things to do on little pieces of paper and place them in a jar. Instead of debating on what to do for the evening or weekend, have someone choose from the jar! Now, you’ll never be bored again. Plus, you can spend quality time with your loved ones.


Start a Weekly Ritual

We all lead pretty busy lifestyles, which means that it can be pretty challenging to spend time with the closest people in our lives. That’s why starting a weekly ritual is a great resolution to implement. Whether it’s creating a weekly movie night or a morning walk together, find one small thing the family can do together and stick with it.