Friends at Ironhorse at Tramonto, spring is on its way! Before your start shopping for new clothes or schedule game nights with your friends again, you’ll need to do some preparation. Start by clearing out some space in your closet for those new clothes and cleaning up those cluttered floors. Get ready — it’s time for some spring cleaning, decluttering, and organizing.
How to Declutter and Get Ready for Spring
As you begin decluttering your home, spend quality time with your belongings. Start with your clothes. Pick up each article of clothing and think about the last time you wore it. If you can’t remember, it was probably too long ago. Does it still fit you? Do you even like it anymore? If the answer is no, donate it!
Think about the one in, one out rule. Every time something new comes into your home, donate something old. This way, your great new items won’t become annoying clutter.
Tips and Hacks for Organizing your Home
Clutter is inevitable. Rather than working to fight the clutter bug, work with the clutter! If you always put the same mess in the same spaces, turn to baskets. Place that pile of papers on your table in a basket. Adding more organization will keep it from spilling all over the counter. Not only do you have a new system that works for you, but it is also aesthetically pleasing! Work on one room at a time, and eventually, your home will be tidy.
Organizing Made Simple
Spring cleaning is a big task, but it doesn’t have to be complicated. Tackling one room at a time is a sure way to get the cleaning done while keeping it fun. Once your home is clean, you can go out to spend some quality time around your Phoenix neighborhood and return home to a tidy apartment.